Hospital is a health care organization that’s needs to implement new changes and new models. The changes and the new models should be team based care whereby the nurses, doctors and all the employees in the hospital environment are required to work together. Lack of collaboration of the staff in the hospital has resulted to poor production of services for a long period of time. Also, lack of team work has caused lots of conflicts between the workers (Rosen, 2014).  Members of the team fail to engage each other whenever performing a given task. Also, decision making is done by the senior leaders of the hospital. It shows clearly that members in the institution do things on their own techniques including the physicians who are the group frontrunners. Therefore, there is need to put strategies in place in order to solve all these complications. The aim of a hospital organization in this research is to increase and improve the value of the services. The hospital need to familiarize with group work since operating as a unit improves patient wellbeing. Hence, it is vital to stress on the value of group cohesiveness to improve the outcome of the patients.

Role of conflict within a group is one of the major problems that affect group’s efficiency in a hospital. The staff in the hospital are anticipated to execute different incompatible roles. Role of conflict becomes very multifaceted and generally perplexing. It occurs as a result of dissimilar responsibilities the employees have to accomplish to different organizations (Merrill & Miller, 2015). The various conflicting obligations that nurses and doctors have tend to interfere with the efficiency of the group. For instance, a conflict can occur when a director is projected to work together with the persons he or she is managing. It is hard for the supervisor to work well with the group that he is expected to report if it performs poorly. Due to this clash of roles, productivity of the group in the hospital is affected greatly. Every member of the team expects to see certain behavior from another member who is anticipated to perform the role. Interrogating the role of a person with another contrasting role can result into dissatisfaction and antagonism. The individual experiencing conflict within a group feels discouraged by the inconsistencies and his or her efficiency reduces greatly and ends up affecting the productivity of the group. Ensuring decent and open channels of communication can help to resolve disagreements within a given team in hospital (Rosen, 2014).It will help in minimizing the pressure of role conflict.  It will further make it known to nurses, physician and every staff in the hospital that every member has a role to play. 

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Poor communication is another challenge that has hindered group productivity in the hospital. It tends to lessen the determination and vigor of the team participants. It becomes a problem when the followers of the group do not apprehend the causes of communication failure and methods they should use in group communication. Poor communication can occur in various ways in the hospital environment. Sometimes the administration fails to include each and every member of the institution when making important decisions. When the medical doctor order for interventions the nurses are the ones supposed to carry them. Unfortunately, due to poor communication the nurses and physicians do not work together. Also, whenever there is a variation of a patient’s status the team members do not converse and therefore, wrong medication can be administered to a patient.  Lack of communication when nurses are changing shifts is another problem (Park & Jones, 2015). They tend to be in a hurry and end up not sharing all the appropriate info about the care of a patient. Lack of communicating the well-being of the patient poses excessive threats to the patient since the incoming nurse can hamper with the medication. Some of these actions need responsiveness from the administration but, because of poor communication among the crew members the output of the group is affected negatively. Therefore, it is vital to solve the problem of communication. The general practitioner, nurses, and all the hospital employees should develop good communication system. The hospital should implement a communication system that concentrates on reachable information. It should have a technique in which it will file critical resolutions when it is planning to communicate to other members of the group. Info also should be from trustworthy sources to ensure reliability. Creating proper way of communicating will help the physician and nurses to work together as a strong team to make sure that they realize the patient care (Park & Jones, 2015). The care board should ensure that communication among the members is effective. Real communication reinforces the capacity of all the health care personnel in offering high quality and efficient care. Practicing good communication therefore, not only helps to improve the productivity of the groups but also the patient’s satisfaction.

Cohesiveness is an important aspect in any organization. It is the time when the members are possessing bonds that connect them to each other and to the whole group. Lack of unity in a hospital setting is a problem that has a great impact on the productivity of a group. In most cases, the personnel in a hospital come from a diverse community. This means that they have distinct beliefs and ways of doing things. This diversity has caused so many problems. People are discriminated in terms of color, race and religion (Martinez & Aldrich, 2011). A good illustration is when a white nurse tends to despise a black nurse, and they therefore do not act as a team in ensuring that they take proper care of the patient. In such a situation, the sick are the ones on the losing end as well as the overall performance of the hospital. In the case of a meeting, the leaders tend to ignore contributions made by members of a minority group since they are considered inferior. Solidity results from commitment of the team members to work together to achieve a set of objectives. Poor communication is exhibited in a group with diverse members as they are divided (Martinez & Aldrich, 2011). This impacts negatively on the performance of the hospital since critical information is not shared effectively. The most effective way of curbing this problem is by involving the management. The leader of the group should make efforts to unite all the members. Awareness should be created to educate the members on the importance of unity and cultural diversity (Martinez & Aldrich, 2011). This way they will be able to appreciate and recognize the rich cultures that others possess. The team leaders should also incorporate individuals from diverse groups for them to share their views on how to handle different issues. Leadership positions should be allocated fairly and not on the basis of race or color. Communication will be efficient and there will be not only less dysfunctional conflict, but also great trust with each other. Therefore, members of the group will develop loyalty, reinforce the cohesiveness and eventually increase on the productivity of the whole team.

Intergroup conflict may take many forms. A disagreement between two people may be due to their personal differences or job descriptions among others. Excessive conflict generates strong negative feelings among the members of a hospital that have a great impact on its performance. Such conflicts mostly arise when a staff does not adhere to the stipulated rules regarding the practice (Wombacher & Felfe, 2016). An appropriate illustration is when a nurse does not follow the rules that a doctor has provided when administering medication to the patient. The patient ends up having complications due to the ignorance of the nurse and this automatically leads to a conflict in the workplace. In such a case, it is hard for the two parties to relate positively and thus their performance is affected. Other undesirable consequences include retarding communication, decreasing the cohesiveness of a group and relegation of group goals to the prevalence of internal strife between the members. Uncontrolled opposition also leads to discontent that can reduce the effectiveness of the groups and its eventual destruction (Wombacher & Felfe, 2016). A positive impact is that the group can improve its efficiency and the members can become more loyal by following the group norms closely. However, intergroup conflict has adverse effects and should thus be solved. The main focus should be on the root cause of the conflict and the seriousness of that conflict. A face-to-face is effective in the problem solving. The groups can discuss the issues and any other relevant information effectively. In a case of differing goals, the hospital management should establish objectives that can be attained by the majority to foster unity and cooperation (Rahim, 2015). They will thus focus more on the performance for increased productivity. Another way of curbing conflict is by simply avoiding it. It does not alleviate the problem fully but it helps the group to be more objective. Simple conflicts may be solved by focusing on similar interests and not laying emphasis on the differences between them. If the conflict is very severe and the groups cannot resolve it, authoritative command would be appropriate. The management can set rules and penalties upon breaking that rule that aims at solving the conflict. A collaborative process intended to address an intergroup conflict should establish objectives for a proper approach (Rahim, 2015). These include defining clearly the roles of the staff in the hospital and promoting proper communication and listening skills. This will impact positively on the productivity of the organization.

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There are other suggestions on how to improve the productivity of the group since it is a very essential element to any company. Influence and inspiration within a group is very vital in attaining group’s objectives and goals. Inspiration focuses in motivating all the member of the team. To motivate workers to better productivity can be through providing incentives to them. They can be also provided with rewards and appreciations for good work they do. Also, providing a worker friendly environment is essential to ensuring motivation of work. To influence productivity, the management can identify workers who are of high impact to the other workers. These are people who can cause members to do what they themselves are doing or say.  It further enhances strong relationships of the workers that adds in achieving the intentions if the hospital (Rosen, 2014). Team work promotes cooperation among workers thus making them more competent in realizing the set objectives in a hospital. The power of influence is also very effective in a group’s productivity. It supposes the existence of effective leaders that motivate the employees. Influence is based on charismatic personality, intense commitment to the vision of the organization and care for all the members

In conclusion, cooperation from members is important to accomplish the goals and initiatives of any organization. Proper management should ensure that the taskforce has what it needs to improve the performance. The members of the team should learn to understand each other bearing in mind that they are from different backgrounds. Each member should learn to be accountable for productivity of the group. This way the goals and objectives of the group will be achieve and thus enhance productivity of the group. 


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