The project of creation a gallery for emerging artists is challenging and full of opportunities at the same time. The importance of leadership personality is essential for the project development and implementation. The leader of the project is responsible for the leading strategy as well as its results.
In order to monitor and direct the work of the team the leader has to for an effective team members of which would pursue the same ideas and act in accordance with the main project goals. The challenges of the project include the questions of finding the supplies and the right place for the project start. The leadership personality importance is vivid at the stage of initial design and forming the starting framework of the project.
Assessment and discussion over the implementation showed that the project’s strategy is rather effective but still needs a lot of questions to be solved and a number of barriers to be overcome. The project work and assessment produced a significant impact upon the person’s biography, resume and homepage adding more effective information that will help to form the further impression of the person. The project work intensified the creative thinking of the person and strengthened the assurance in leadership qualities of a person.
The implementation work that is based on a number of business oriented principles suggested an idea of future development of the project. The assigned task helped to see the importance of the work and the necessity of discussion over such topics in the future. In the process of work the matrix for effective evaluation emerged that is supposed to help effectively in the process of the project strategy evaluation.
Leadership Personality and Project Strategy
Leadership personality in order to realize the project of art gallery for young artists knows the laws, regulations, which regulate the activities of social organizations. This personality has a good understanding of the basic trends in the development of modern Art. Leadership personality has a set of qualities and characteristics necessary for successful leadership positions. Directing activities are peculiar in their aims and objectives, motives, methods, conditions, difficulties, and results. Leadership personality obtains good organizational skills, ability to correctly identify the purpose and methods of action in order to undertake the tasks, perseverance and determination. The leader needs a deep, fast and flexible mind, a good memory for faces, and care for people, intelligence and diligence, sociability, ability to inspire people, must be self-control, initiative, have endurance, courage and discipline.
The important part in the work of the leadership personality is played by cognitive processes, especially speech and thought. All the qualities have to be manifested in the structure and content of oral and written orders, requirements and directions. They are usually characterized by clarity, certainty, concise, categorical, and logical sense. The leader of the project of art gallery for young and promising artists should be able to develop a detailed implementation plan that would have the detailed description of the project design framework of strategy. The framework states the main structure elements and determines their leading functions. Moreover, the framework has to express the main idea and direct the work of the team on the way of achieving the main aim of the project. The framework shows the ability of a leader to determine the goals, set clear tasks and state the control elements in order to monitor and correct the whole process. The design framework is the realization of a leadership personality that enables the visibility and effectiveness of all the characteristics of a leader and his/her traits of character and business skills in the working process.
Design of framework strategy of the project is the basis for its implementation, which combines elements of strategic and operational planning. In the strategic planning process all procedures provided for this kind of planning are used. It focuses on the precise formulation of goals within a limited time period, as well as drawing up a detailed plan of action for achieving the goals.
The framework starts with the position that the company decided to have as its base and determination of a business strategy, which it holds in accordance with the objectives.
Thus, in determining the basic strategy it is more appropriate to focus on the stage of development of the project. Business strategy should be simple, mobile and action-oriented.
The logic of project’s framework strategy is based on three defining elements of the technology business planning: assessing the current state of the enterprise; defining desired state of an enterprise; selection of the most effective ways to achieve the goals. The overall plan of the company includes the basic elements of a short-term strategic planning, that is, it provides the basic procedures: analysis and goal setting. Plans of subdivisions should be considered as a detailed plan for the implementation of specific actions in time to coordinate the efforts of the project management to achieve the objective. The development plan is the starting point for the progress of functional sections of a project strategy, as it corresponds to the greatest extent with the overall objective of the enterprise. So the marketing department develops advertising campaigns, promoting the product on the market based on projected demands. In order to achieve a certain level of success, it is important to create a set of marketing measures to ensure fulfillment of the objectives. Marketing plan is the second step in the preparation of the management of the project strategy. According to this plan, the leader creates a detailed project that demonstrates how the company is going to fulfill its plan for events.
Key issues related to personnel units should be considered in the strategy. Creating a financial plan is the final step in the development of project’s framework strategy. Its main objective is to quantify the financial results and success of each division. In financial terms, it is a combination of plan units and their integration into concrete financial performance.
Important factor in increasing the efficiency of project strategy is to develop supervisory mechanism, which by its difficulty and complexity is comparable to the process of preparation of the whole framework strategy. Content control system should be directed to performing the main task, which is to provide data management on the progress towards the goals of the project. To perform its functions, the enforcement mechanism should include the following elements: milestones to track progress of the project strategy; reports that identify progress towards the goals. Monitoring of the implementation of the project strategy allows answering the main question of the implementation planning to control functions when there is a need for making adjustment actions in management and make changes to the project strategy.
The main criterion for the necessary adjustments is a significant difference between the real achievements of the company and control data in the plan. One of the key success factors is the continuous search for more and more new ideas and turning them into projects and the implementation of these projects. In this regard it is important to include the following basic components of success of the enterprise: search ideas for competition; choose carefully new design ideas; find the necessary resources in order to use them in practical implementation of the project.
Design strategy of the project is the epitome of all the components of success of the enterprise. It allows formulating an idea, developing and communicating a plan for implementing this idea to all stakeholders.
Assess of the Implementation
In order to give a productive and successful start of the assigned project it is important to assess the process of its implementation. To do this effectively the first thing is to evaluate the available resources for the start of the project that determine suitable markets and further strategy of development. Given conditions in the business environment will allow the creation of successful strategies to capture them. However, the example of the biggest and the most successful companies challenges this theory as their history of success was built on creation of resources and internal capabilities. The resource based view can be ineffective if the company does not count on its internal powers and tries to build its strategy on the outside environment and possibilities. The internal or the inside-out principle of business coordination gives more opportunities for implementation of new ideas and assessing of the current situation. The inside information and intellectual resources as well as the leadership personality can easily form a successful idea if working in a professional manner and coordinating their internal powers with the outside opportunities. According to Agarwal, the resources have three categories that include tangible assets, intangible assets and capabilities. The project’s strategy should be oriented on effective study, evaluation and implementation of its own capabilities. Tangible assets include financial and physical abilities of the company. Intangible resources are the intellectual property, reputation and other organizational assets.
Evaluating the assigned project’s strategies for implementation it is important to determine the main challenges, barriers, successes, opportunities and value. The most challenging factors in the process of creation of the gallery for emerging artists is finding the building and finance its repairs or remodeling to make it suitable for organizing an art gallery. The financial possibilities of the company are always limited and finding a low-cost but quality place that would be situated in the popular place that would determine the high level of attendance is challenging. The strategy of the project framework design should include the major principles that should be followed in the process of finding a right place and financing the process of renting or buying it. Another challenge is building a professional team all the members of which would understand the project’s strategy and work in accordance to its main principals and follow the goals of the company. The next challenge is finding the emerging artists or building a platform to let them easy find the gallery and use it sources is also one of the possible challenges. The barriers for the process of creation of a working gallery for emerging artists is the decision on the main goal of the project whether to make it a profit or a non-profit organization, whether to charge the emerging artists with fee, to organize the exhibitions with the aim of selling the paintings and finding enough financial resources to make the project last and not to go bankrupt as soon as possible. However, the main accent should be done on the main opportunities and leading ways for success of the project realization. The art gallery for emerging artists is a good way to help the artists that just started their artistic activity to exhibit their paintings and earn for living. Another idea is that people who enjoy art exhibitions would have an opportunity to watch the works of art, evaluate them or even buy what would intensify the process of artistic development in particular city and place where the gallery would be based. The project would give an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of the art business project and to use the results for development of the art industry and building another segment of the company. The project is valuable for its noble idea and wide range of the factors that should be used for successful implementation. The art gallery for emerging artists is a perfect chance for young artists to find their place in the artistic world and would let the society to find a possible future bright representative of the bohemian society. The positive outcomes are not limited by the research of this project and can be developed in further investigations. The design framework of the project suggests usage of the most innovative methods including meta-SWOT analysis and assessment of the current resources of the company and comparison of its inside-out and outside-in strategies.
Leadership Personality Influence upon the Project Implementation
The leadership personality is in full power to impact the development of the project strategy either in positive or negative way. It is important to stick to the most important goals and using the productive and safe opportunities. All the outside challenges as well as opportunities should be evaluated on the question of trustworthiness and safety usage. The financial side of all the questions should be thoroughly studied and discussed by the team managers. The leadership personality is responsible for finding new opportunities and choosing the best personnel in order to achieve the leading goals of the project. In this project of the art gallery for emerging artists five people are involved: gallery manager, curator and spokesman, consultant and exposition leader. To confirm the leadership personality, success of the enterprise depends entirely on the gallery manager and his taste, his position. He is the one who sets the tone, creates image of the gallery in general and every exhibition in particular. He decides what kind of art is acceptable for the gallery and which is not. He decides what artists to work with and also sets the level of quality for the gallery. Gallery owner does not have to be an artist. The main thing is to understand the fine art and love it. The second most important role belongs to the curator. He initiates, organizes and hosts exhibitions; this employee needs to be artistically educated person.
A person who is responsible for the exposition must also be an artist. The whole exposure depends on him. He decides where to place a particular artwork so that it does not get lost in the mass and not overshadow other works presented at the exhibition – these are the most adequate concepts of the exhibition. The organization of the exhibition is an art and skillfully executed art exhibition gives new meaning to the works and to the concept of art in general.
With regard to consultants who work with visitors and potential buyers and the press secretary, which implements media, they are professional art managers who are educated on art science. All employees are universal, since all of them write promotion texts, constitute exhibition programs, organize exhibitions, give advice to visitors, and find new emerging artist to offer them a possibility to have their paintings exhibited and promoted. Gallery also has a programmer who is engaged in creating and managing of online resources of the gallery. The programmer is responsible for creating a virtual gallery for emerging artists to popularize their work in the Internet and increase the number of visitors as well as potential buyers.
Assessment and Discussion Impact upon Personal Characteristics
The realized assessment and discussion of the project design and realization produce a significant impact on the general characteristics of a person. The following comments can be mentioned in the resume like the ability to effective evaluation and highly developed management traits. The realization of the project in the framework variant and discussion of its strong and weak points lets the opportunity to objectively evaluate the ability to reasonable arguments and finding solutions to challenging situations. The project’s process of creation added significant development of organization of paper skills, improved critical thinking and helped to see the opportunities for the future development. The assessment of the project implementation also showed the presence of comparative analysis skills as well as opportunities to start a future real life project in the sphere of art involving the skills obtained in the process of work. The personal development has come through all the stages of project implementation and experienced the influence of the project success, challenges, opportunities, barriers and values. Challenges that the personality faced in the process of work over the project formed a strong concern of the inevitability of the challenging atmosphere in the process of work. This formed an idea of creative thinking in case of challenges or barriers come up during the project development. Opportunities and value of the assigned project helped the personality to see the originality of the idea and think over the future implementation of the acquired skills in further activities. The project work also positively influenced the homepage of a person and added a significant positive point in the page of self development work and experience in a challenging environment. The assessment of the strategy and discussion over the process of its realization made a huge contribution to the experience of the person and strengthened the leading skills.
Evaluation Matrix
The evaluation matrix offers a list of points for evaluation and helps to clearly see the effectiveness and drawbacks of the strategy. The evaluation matrix uses the levels of effectiveness: not effective, not significantly effective, effective, and significantly effective.